Sunday, July 25, 2010

What does Interaction Design mean to me?

My initial, fairly uneducated interpretation of ‘Interaction Design’ is defined as the process of considering multiple facets of the design process that are usually unavoidable, but are generally ignored as a whole for one reason or another. This includes areas OTHER than the directly physical or aesthetic nature of a design, which usually solely dominates the design field. Such areas include technology, psychology, sensor actions and processes, subconscious notions/ attitudes / beliefs and instinctive characteristics that all impede on our decisions on whether or not a design is acceptable or unacceptable. However, I believe, considering and combining these areas into the design process is how a successful Interactive Design is achieved with a more holistic approach to the shaping of interactive products and services focusing mainly on their use.

1 comment:

  1. Not sure if this made complete sense. . . i guess its a good thing it is being learnt more throughout the semester. . . so that i can define it better!
