Friday, November 5, 2010

A2 Presentation Boards

To satisfy your keen interest within our groups design - these are the two A2 Presentation Boards made by the group to explain, justify and resolve our design "The Gonk" (child and parent - telepresence companion and communicator). Satisfies physical and emotional well being for everyone who chooses to interact with the object. Thanks for a great semester of Industrial Design!

Properly Rendered Solidworks Images

Top Orthographic View of the Gonk OBJECT!

Inner Structural Dimensioning - shows all relevant components and their locations.
Outer Shell casing render without squeezable rubber material and without individualization soft skin covers. [To Show Inner components and surface appearances].
These solid-works files made it possible to derive accurate dimensions, scales and allow a list of materials to be made which was submitted in hard copy form with numerous other accurate orthographic drawings made for the Gonk design, this included top, body, bottom, eyes, structural spine and inner workings.

Using the Gonk(s)

Scenario/Behaviour/Object - the user using the Gonk Design - these are snap shots from the previously posted Youtube video which highlights a desired level of acceptance amongst young children and reveals itself to be a highly resolved and appropriate design for the intended target user/market.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


The Gonk Design In Context

These images clearly demonstrate how the Gonk will be utilized by both parents and children to communicate emotional well being. Allowing the child and parent to feel more comfortable and at ease with the current situation.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Presentation Pages

These images are what we covered in the presentation to outline our Scenario, Behaviour and Object. Its important to note that the evolution of the design went through various stages of design and one of the most important parts of this was the prototyping and model making which helped define weights, scales, aesthetics, heights, widths, sounds, light appropriate applications and to adhere to an acceptable pressure of touch for it to be suitable for sick children. in finding , the gonk is very similar to other soft comforting toys for kids so that they can easily relate to the object and instantly feel as if they understand and therefore want to immediately interact with it. feeling comfortable to share interactions, communications and just to hold it/cradle it like a soft comforting toy and to be able to send these telepresence messages back and forth between loved ones.


links of experimenting, contextual use, fine tuning and preparation of the final Gonk design can be found at the following links: